
October 13th, 2012 § 2 Comments

What is it about the human condition that makes us crave control with such voracity? Workaholism to obsessive/compulsive behaviors, addictions to rabid consumerism. What are we after? Some placid, comfortable numbness? Some summit – some untouchable transcendence? Me? Right now? I just want some guarantees.

That craving unchecked will take your legs out. The past few months, I’m afraid I’ve run about with my cravings unchecked. Soon enough, that appetite gets its “hands on the wheel and its foot on the pedal – stomped to the floor.” And you’re a wide eyed, white knuckled passenger in your own life. Couple weeks ago, I hit the wall. Thankfully. Hell, I’m tired. When I’m tired, I got nothing to say.

It’s ironic that we crave it so – control. What we grasp of it is at best an illusion. And yet, even as an illusion, it destroys.

§ 2 Responses to Control

  • roger says:

    “Runnin’ from a world that they will never understand…the masses ride their passions with the throttle in their hands…nobody knows….what is waitin’ ’round the bend.

    Very quietly, the world looses blood overnight. Without a fight.
    In the morning, the sickness will hide in the light, out of site.”

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